
Hi, I’m Kelsy from The Four Acre Farm. In August of 2019, my husband and I bought a dreamy, old farmhouse, on 4 acres of land. Now dreamy may not be what comes to mind when you see its original state, but bear with me… I have a vision.

The Four Acre Farm Before
Farmhouse when we purchased it in August of 2019. YIKES…I know.

You see, the farmhouse is not our first fixer upper. In August of 2016, we purchased our first home together, a cute little house in town. Now that we have some experience under our belts, we are ready to take on our next project, the farm.

The Four Acre Farm

I would love for you to come along with us on The Four Acre Farm’s journey of DIY projects, renovations, farm animals, gardening, and everything in between. So stick around, it’s gonna get good.